Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Fourth Birthday Fletcher!


miamalia said...

Happy Birthday Fletcher! And Merry Christmas to all the Smykays! xo - Malia

Kara Melissa said...

Wow! He looks so grown up. What a gorgeous boy. I've been thinking about you guys but haven't had a chance to write. Hope things are going well and a very happy belated birthday to Fletcher.

AshleyS said...

Beautiful photo!! He is such a big boy now!!

Happy Birthday to Fletcher!

Anonymous said...

Goodness but he's gorgeous!

Happy Birthday Fletcher! And Merry Christmas to all the Smykays!


Jennifer Ortiz said...

He looks so grown up, and so alert! awesome

Smilen Champ said...

Hi Fletcher
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are an inspiration, and a brave courageous fighter and a hero. I was born with a rare life threatening bone disease. here is my site:

Adelaide Dupont said...

Have been wondering about Fletcher

and if he ever made it to his teenage years.